Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
Head of the department: Shukurova Ugiloy
Accepting time: Daily from 9.00 to 17.00
The structure of the department:
The department trains bachelors on the following majors:
5210203-Practical psychology
The history of the department.
The department of Pedagogy and Psychology was founded in 1966. The main scientific topic of the department is “Theory and practice of formation professional culture of the personality of the future teacher”. From 1966 professor such as K.Turgunov, G.Tsoy, K.Julanov, S.Arimboev, H.Abdukarimov, O.Suvonov, G.Davirova, B.Raximov, M.Muxliboev, M.Xolnazarova have worked and run the department.
The members of the department are actively working in the teaching, educational and social spheres. Their pedagogical activity is highly appreciated by the state: G.Davirova was awarded with the “Dustlik” order, H.Abdukarimov, A.Akhmedov, O.Suvonov, A.Fadeevs were awarded with badges “Excellence in public education” and numerous certificates of honor. The members of the department have published dozens of monographs, hundreds of scientific and methodological articles.
Since 2020, the department is headed by a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor - Toshtemirov Doniyor Eshbaevich. Today at the department work and conduct their pedagogical activity such teachers as the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor H.Abdukarimov, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professors, M.Kholnazarova, senior teachers O.Suvanov, J.Nurumbekova, O.Shukurova, G.Kurbanova, teachers S.Khaidarova, Sh.Faizieva, G.Tashmatova, D.Nosirova, O. Nazarova, S. Zhonzakova, R. Suleymanova and J. Mirzaev.
The teaching staff of the department provides students with knowledge, skills and qualifications in all areas of education on the basis of modern pedagogical and information technologies in the subject.
Under the supervision of the members of the department in our republic training has been established in the areas of “Pedagogy and psychology”, “Practical Psychology” under a joint program with the Kazan Federal University in the direction of “Psychology”. From the 2019-2020 academic year, students receive the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology”.
Staff of the department.
Currently, the department employs 36,5 professors and teachers. Of these, 22 are full-time and 14,5 are part-time workers. The faculty of the department includes 2 professor, 6 associate professors. The average age of teachers is 51 years.
Cooperation of the department.
The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology conducts joint activities with the Kazan Federal University. In cooperation with Kazan University 26 students study in the direction of education 5210200 Psychology. It also cooperates with the National University of Uzbekistan, Bukhara State University, Samarkand State University, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Andijan State University.
Scientific activity of the department.
The department carries out scientific and pedagogical activities: 2 professor, 6 associate professors, 8 doctoral students, 47 masters. The teaching staff of the department has published 3 textbooks, 5 monographs, 8 teaching aids, more than 15 teaching aids. 4 patent received. Published 20 scientific articles in foreign countries, more than 25 scientific articles at foreign conferences.
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