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Full-time education
Master's degree
Head of department - Fayziyeva Sadoqat
Education: Higher. Syrdarya State Pedagogical Institute.
Turkish Language and Literature.
Foreign Language: Russian, Tajik
Phone: (0 367) 227 08 23
E-mail: yupiter.85@umail.uz
Reception days: Everyday
Department of Advanced Research and International Cooperation Research and Information Research.
Loyalty Fayziyeva started her career with literary work in the newspaper "Yangier tongi". She worked as a teacher of Uzbek language and literature at the 8th secondary school at the Yangier town department of public education and worked as a methodologist at the department of public education.
From 1996 to 1998 he worked as a correspondent in the newspaper "Ishonch", founder of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, in 1998-1999 - editor of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, and from 1999 to 2000 - a researcher at the Republican Family Practice Center.
In 2001, she moved to Gulistan, where she enrolled in Syrdarya Regional Pedagogical Training and Retraining Institute. Nowadays, she is the head of the Department of Advanced Pedagogical Technologies and Experiments.
Sadat Fayziyeva is the author of the book "Mother's Whole", published in 1997 at the publishing house named after Gafur Gulyam, five books on spiritual-enlightenment, science-popularity, many poems and publicist publications.
Lyric songs like "Eyes do not lie to each other", "My dear life", "Clean people who live in a decent house", "Motherhood", "Spring of Hurt", "I miss," "Why do not you understand me? love and affection.
"Sumalak", "Kapalakjon", "Qoqigul", "Love the Motherland, a child" were performed in the Republican Children's chorus "Bulbulcha" and considered as the winner of the contest.
The poet and poet, who created and inspired the development of our Homeland, the wellbeing of our life and the positive changes in every aspect of our native Uzbekistan, have been delighted with the sincerity, sophistication, melodrama and joyfulness of their music, which is included in this collection called "Homeland for Love". we think that it is good.
The Department of Advanced Experimental Studies and International Cooperation Scientific Research Center under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has started its work in March 2015.
There are 3 employees in the department.
The head of the department is Sadoqat Fayziyeva, a member of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan, a Republican Public Education Officer.
Sectional methodologists - Shukhrat Ziyaev and Nilufar Turgunova.
The Division of Advanced Experience and International Cooperation Scientific-Research Work cooperates with 6 departments and 4 departments at the State University of Architecture and Construction of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The goals and objectives of the department are:
Coordination of scientific-methodical, research works carried out in the regional center;
Preparation of methodical and educational-methodical materials prepared by the teaching staff of the Regional Center for consideration by the Scientific and Methodological Council;
Coordination of work of scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical conferences and seminars held in the regional center;
Summarize the materials of conferences and seminars held in the regional center in the form of collections and prepare them for publication in the established order;
Organization and participation in pilot work on development and testing of advanced pedagogical technologies;
track and track experimental experiences on the site of the Regional Center;
Promote work experience of pedagogical staff with advanced work experience in collaboration with relevant education management boards; organization of seminars, trainings, workshops with the use of advanced experience in solving scientific, methodological and practical problems of teaching science, and improving the effectiveness of teaching and information technologies; organization of training workshops for the faculty and staff of the Regional Center for scientific research on modern approaches and innovations in the research process; identifying research topics and themes aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of retraining and advanced training;
Preparation of documents of applicants participating in various international and national grant competitions (fundamental, applied research and innovation scientific and technical programs); studying best practices in the field of international cooperation, retraining and advanced training, as well as coordination of the work carried out by the departments to introduce experience.
Generalization and publication in the form of collections in the form of collections of methodical and educational-methodical manuals and materials of theoretical, scientifically-practical conferences, held by the professors and teachers of the Center;
The tasks of the department "Advanced research and international cooperation scientific-information researches" at the State University of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan are to determine the scientific, methodological and practical problems and to organize experimental studies. Employees of the department prepared 11 fundamental projects of the regional center's professors and teachers and submitted to the competition of practical projects for 2016-2020 by the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
During 2017, the staff of the department has edited and edited about 70 methodological materials of the Regional Center teachers. Methodological manual "Pedagogy, innovation and integration of elementary education" authored by the head of the Regional Center for Pedagogical sciences, docent PK Kholmatov's "General pedagogy" and N.Nuralieva; Teaching-methodical guide for distance courses "Theory and Methodology of Teaching Russian Language" by Senior Lecturers of the Department "Language and Literature" M.Yuldasheva and M. Akhmedov; O.Ochilova's monograph "Formirovanie kombinatsionnogo umeniya v angloozychnoy rechevoy datatelnosti uchashchixsya obshche-obrazovatelnoy shkoly" was published.
In 2018, the department plans to publish and publish about 70 methodical and educational materials of professorial-teaching staff of the Institute.
Employees of the department have organized several workshops on the theme: "The requirements for the creation of methodological products", "Advanced pedagogical technologies in the educational process" with the use of advanced experience in teaching scientific, methodological and practical problems of teaching science, in cooperation with chairs of pedagogical and information technologies.
In 2018, the department plans to conduct a series of workshops aimed at introducing advanced experience and innovative technologies into the learning process.
Leading educational institutions, all departments of GulDU, Department of Syrdarya Regional Vocational College, Syrdarya Regional Department of National Education, Syrdarya Regional Department of Public Education, Syrdarya Regional Department of Public Education, Republican Educational Center under the Nizami TDPU, IADU under the JDPI, The Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan named after Niyazi, and the Institute of International Relations of the name of A.Avloniy is planned to cooperate with such authoritative sciences.
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