Gulistan State University announces the admission to basic doctoral studies (PhD), doctoral studies (DSc) independent research and intern-research for 2023
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Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Gulistan State University announces the admission to basic doctoral studies (PhD), doctoral studies (DSc) independent research and intern-research for 2023

Foundation for doctoral studies (PhD).


1. 01.01.06 – Algebra

2. 02.00.02 - Analytical chemistry

3. 02.00.03 - Organic chemistry

4. 02.00.17 - Agricultural and food processing, storage and processing technology and biotechnology

5. 02.00.10 - Bioorganic chemistry

6. 03.00.05 – Botany

7. 03.00.06 – Zoology

8. 03.00.10 – Ecology

9. 03.00.12 – Biotechnology

10. 03.00.13 – Soil science

11. 05.01.04 - Mathematical and software of computing machines, complexes and computer networks

12. 06.01.02 - Reclamation and irrigation farming

13. 06.01.07 - Fruit growing and viticulture

14. 07.00.01 - History of Uzbekistan

15. 07.00.05 - History of international relations and foreign policy

16. 08.00.01 - Economic theory

17. 08.00.04 - Agricultural economy

18. 08.00.07 - Finance, money circulation and credit

19. 10.00.01 - Uzbek language

20. 10.00.02 - Uzbek literature

21. 10.00.06 - Comparative literature studies, cross-linguistics and translation studies

22. 11.00.01 - Natural geography

23. 11.00.02 - Economic and social geography

24. 11.00.05 - Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

25. 13.00.01 - Theory of pedagogy. History of pedagogical teachings

26. 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (by fields)

27. 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of physical training and sports training

28. 13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of preschool education and upbringing

29. 19.00.01 - History and theory of psychology. General psychology. Personality psychology

30. 19.00.05 - Social psychology. Ethnopsychology

31. 01.04.05 – Optics

32. 02.00.01 - Inorganic chemistry




to Doctorate (DSc).

1. 03.00.06 – Zoology

2. 07.00.01 - History of Uzbekistan

3. 08.00.01 - Economic theory

4. 10.00.01 - Uzbek language

5. 10.00.06 - Comparative literature studies, cross-linguistics and translation studies

6. 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (by fields)



1. 13.00.01 - Theory of pedagogy. History of pedagogical teachings

2. 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (by fields)

3. 19.00.01 - History and theory of psychology. General psychology. Personality psychology

4. 19.00.05 - Social psychology. Ethnopsychology


Applicants for basic doctoral studies (PhD) must submit the following documents through the system.

1. Application

2. Brief biographical information.

3. A certified copy of the employment book (for working applicants).

4. A copy of a master's degree of a higher educational institution, a diploma of higher education (on specialized programs).

5. Language certificate.

6. List of published scientific works, as well as their copies.

7. Holders of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall submit copies of relevant documents.



Applicants for doctoral studies (DSc) must submit documents through the system.

1. Application

2. Brief biographical information.

3. A certified copy of the employment book (for working applicants).

4. A copy of the diploma of higher education, candidate of science or doctor of philosophy (PhD) or an equivalent scientific degree in foreign countries.

5. A scientific report on the topic of research and a detailed draft of the doctoral dissertation plan prepared for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc).

6. List of published scientific works, as well as their copies.


Our address: 2nd floor, Room 204, Scientific Department of Gulistan University, 4th district, Gulistan city.

      Phones for inquiries: 67-225-38-01, 67-225-40-42, 67-225-02-75

5853 | 2022-09-26 09:43

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