We are against religious extremism and terrorism.
Gulistan State University
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We are against religious extremism and terrorism.
On June 1, 2018, the University hosted the action named "We are against religious extremism and terrorism" with participation of Syrdarya regional law enforcement officers and professors and students of university

At the beginning of the meeting, a film titled "Tafakkur talabi" was shown.

Speakers who made a speech at the meeting, said that some of our citizens, especially young people, were trapped in the trap of religious extremist and terrorist influences and that they put out of countenance their parents, their families, and their children. He spoke very angry about the young people's actions.

He gave an examples from the Qur'an and Hadiths. They understand after losing their value of life, the value of the blessings is to say that we should never forget the peace, prosperity, worthwhile living in our country today, not to be influenced by various destructive ideas,and, you always self study , to study his religious and secular knowledge. They repaid that, we all are greatiful in peace and prosperity in today's Uzbekistan, to live in peace, to be happy about the happiness of our children, to make economic changes in our country, to use the created conditions and opportunities for the people, they have to take over.

The meeting was attended by R.Makhmudov, Vice Rector on spirituality and education, two employees of the Syrdarya regional branch of the DHS of Uzbekistan, F.Rohmonov, Deputy Chief Imam of Syrdarya region, Chairman of the SF "Mahalla" head of the Syrdarya regional branch of the Spirituality and Enlightenment Department G.Yusupov, the preventive inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Guliston police department A.Usmanov, the lawyer of the Syrdarya regional branch Sh.Hudoyorov, professor-teachers and 542 students.

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Gulistan State University Gulistan State University

16972 | 2018-06-02 17:28

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