Department of Uzbek linguistics
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Department of Uzbek linguistics


Head of the department: Axrorov Alisher Akbarovich

PhD in philological sciences, associate professor

Every day (10:00-12:00)


(67) 225-45-04,

In 2010-2014, he received a bachelor's degree in "Uzbek language and literature" from the Faculty of Philology of Gulistan State University, and in 2014-2016 he received a master's degree in Samarkand State University. From February 10, 2018 – a teacher at the "Uzbek language and literature" department of Gulistan State University, from February 02, 2019 – the deputy dean for educational affairs of the Faculty of Philology, from July 10, 2019 – the Faculty of Philology the deputy dean for working with young people, and from February 1, 2022 – an associate professor at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics of Gulistan State University. On July 26, 2021, he successfully defended his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation on the topic "Linguofunctional and behavioral value of Uzbek folk proverbs representing speech culture" under the guidance of Doctor of Philology, Professor Yormat Tojiyev, and on August 25, 2021 he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences according to the protocol of the National Academy of Sciences No. 304/1. Since September 5, 2022, he has been working as the head of the "Uzbek Linguistics" department.
Main Scientific and Methodological Center under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2022)
1. Ахроров А. Ўзбек халқ мақолларининг лингвопрагматик хусусиятлари (монография). – Тошкент: Нодирабегим, 2020. – 117 б.
2. Akhrorov A. The role and importance of folk proverbs in the upbringing of a perfect person // ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 01 (81), 812. – Philadelphia, 2020. – P. 42-44. (Impact Factor ICV = 6.630).
3. Akhrorov A. Proverbs about thoughtful conversation // ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. Volume: 10 / Issue: 5/ – India, 2020. – P. 1171-1176. (Impact factor SJIF 2020 = 7.13).
4. Ахроров А. Рост ва ёлғон сўзламоқ ҳақида халқ мақоллари шарҳи // Илмий ахборотнома. – Самарқанд, 2019. – № 4. – Б. 57-60. (10.00.00 № 6).
5. Ахроров А. “Нутқ маданияти”нинг алоҳида фан сифатида ўрганилиши масаласи // ЎзМУ хабарлари. – Тошкент, 2019. – № 4. – Б. 179-183. (10.00.00 № 15).
6. Ахроров А. Мақолларда тинглаш, сукут сақлаш одоби масаласи // Тил ва адабиёт таълими. – Тошкент, 2020. – № 3. – Б. 16-17. (10.00.00 № 9)
7. Ахроров А. Мақолларда сўзлаш одоби масаласи // Ўзбек тили ва адабиёти. – Тошкент, 2020. – № 6. – Б. 138-140. (10.00.00 № 14).
8. Ахроров А. Мақолларда миллий маданиятнинг ифодаланиши // Адабий алоқалар ва қиёсий адабиётшуносликнинг долзарб масалалари // Халқаро илмий-амалий анжумани. – Фарғона, 2018. – Б. 119-121.
9. Ахроров А. Мақолларнинг нутқий актларда қўлланилиши // Хорижий тиллар ўқитишда замонавий ёндошувлар мавзусидаги халқаро илмий-амалий анжумани материаллари. – Фарғона, 2018. – Б. 190-192.

10. Ахроров А. Алишер Навоийнинг мақол ва афоризмлари хусусида // Алишер Навоий ва XXI аср // Халқаро илмий-назарий анжумани материаллари. – Тошкент, 2019. – Б. 343-147.
11. Ахроров А. Мақолларда диалектал вариантивлик // Ўзбек диалектологиясининг долзарб муаммолари // Республика илмий-амалий анжумани. – Тошкент, 2018. – Б. 69-71.
12. Ахроров А. Мақолларда пресуппозиция тушунчаси ва тагмаъно // “Филологиянинг долзарб масалалари” мавзусидаги Республика илмий-амалий интернет-конференция материаллари: Илмий ишлар тўплами. – Фарғона, 2018.– Б. 27-30.
13. Ахроров А. Мақолларнинг янги парадигма асосида ўрганилиши // Фан ва таълимни ривожлантиришда ёшларнинг ўрни // Ўзбекистон Республикаси Фанлар академиясининг 75 йиллик юбилейига бағишланган Республика миқёсидаги илмий ва илмий-техник конференция материаллари. – Тошкент, 2018. – Б. 57-60.
14. Ахроров А. Тўра Сулаймон ижодида мақоллардан фойдаланишнинг ўзига хослиги // Замонавий ўзбек адабиёти тараққиётида Тўра Сулаймон ижодининг ўрни ва аҳамияти // Республика илмий-амалий анжумани. – Фарғона, 2019. – Б. 57-60.
15. Axроров A. Мақоллардан фойдаланишнинг ўзига хослиги // Тўра Сулаймон ижодида маънавий-маърифий тарбия масалалари // Республика илмий-амалий анжумани. – Гулистон, 2019. – Б. 166-171.
16. Maqollarda umumyashirin ma’noning ifodalanishi // O‘zbek filologiyasining dolzarb masalalari va uni o‘qitish metodikasi muammolari. Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konfrensiyasi. – Toshkent, 2022. – B. 245-248
17. Akhrorov A. On speculativeness of proverbs // Guliston davlat universiteti axborotnomasi // 2022-yil. 2-son. – B. 110-114
18. Akhrorov A. The problem of the role of proverbs in the event of a speech act // Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching, 15, 49–53. Retrieved from
History of the Uzbek language
History of Uzbek linguistics
Methodology of the Uzbek language
Speech culture

History of the Department

The Department of "Uzbek Linguistics" was originally established in 1966 under the name of "Uzbek and Kazakh Philology". A year later, in 1967, the department began to operate separately as "Uzbek Linguistics" and "Uzbek Literary Studies" departments.
The department of "Uzbek Linguistics" was established in 1967. The first head of the department was candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Ikrom Suyarov, and in the following years, professor Khudoiberdi Doniyorov, associate professor Karshiboy Samadov, associate professor Boriboi Hasanov, associate professor Abdujabbor Doniyorov, associate professor Bosim Toychiboyev, associate professor Jumanazar Abdullayev, associate professor Izzatoy Pardayeva and professor Sultanbek Normamatov. led. Professors-teachers are working on the main scientific topic of the department called "Problems of the relationship between vernacular language and literary language".
By 2016, the "Uzbek Linguistics" and "Literature Studies" departments were merged and turned into the "Uzbek Language and Literature" department. At first, associate professor K. Kobayev was appointed to the department, and later, in 2017, associate professor F. Sharipov was appointed as the head of the department.
From the beginning of 2018 to September 2020, the department named as "Uzbek language and literature" was headed by associate professor O. Fayzullayeva.
From September 2, 2020, the department was divided into two departments named as "Uzbek Linguistics" and "Uzbek Literature". J.Abdullayev, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, was appointed as the head of the "Uzbek Linguistics" department. From September 6, 2021, the head of the department was continued by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor F. Sharipov.
From September 5, 2022 until now, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), associate professor A. Akhrorov has been working as the head of the department.

7309 | 2021-02-24 15:49

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